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A Bite of Croissant Web Comic Review #1: Autophobia

Pull up a chair and grab a paistry my friends, for I have another series of reviews headed your way! My first web comic review is on Autophobia by artist G.H.S.T. This comic is available to read on the website Tapastic, along with it's app, aptly named Tapas. To start off, I want to briefly explain what Autophobia means. In the simplest of terms, it is the fear of being alone, or abandoned. I myself personally suffer from this and it is a very real and very scary phobia. The main character of this comic, Louis Beau, also suffers from this, as well as anxiety- two things 11th graders shouldn't, yet do, suffer from. The comic centers around him and his encounters with a boy named Daniel, a boy bullied for being gay. The artist portrays the two in very realistic lights with the struggles they face. I can't go into them too much for fear of spoiling the major plot points, but the struggles are the same that many students in high school face every single day in the real world. The boys, as they continue to hang out and work on their chemistry project, begin to grow some chemistry themselves, evolving throughout the 209 current episodes into a secret "love affair". The two act very openly towards each other but aren't perfect. They fight and they argue, but that is what a healthy couple does. This comic is not for people who are very sensitive to mental illness in media because it is a big focus of Louis' story arc. There are so many twist and turns in this comic that you all are just gonna have to grab a cookie and read through it yourself. At this moment, the comic is hiatus so the author can have time to get themselves out of their writer's block, but the 208 other episodes will keep you busy for a long time. Despite the hiatus, I extremely recommend this comic. And it's free! Can't fight with that.

Hmm grading for this series... what to do? Oh, got it. Autophobia. in my eyes, gains a score of 4/5 cookie crumbs.

Sip on my fellow nerds, sip on.

QotD: What's your favorite genre of music?

My Answer: I like Broadway. No joke.

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